Paper Dragon𝄓

Green Grow the Rashes

Happy December Solstice, everyone! Blazing barbecues, it's summer down under, though you mightn't guess it from all the rain that's fallen on Auckland this month. Nonetheless, this calls for a song. We present to you "Green Grow the Rashes", released today on our Music page.

We actually wrote this song a few years ago but only properly recorded and mixed it (in our DIY fashion) last spring. It sets to music Robert Burns's 1784 version of a traditional Scots song about two species of young men, the grave and the merry. We hope you enjoy it. And if you don't, then try this traditional version.

In other news, we recruited a sound engineer. Her name is Baby Beatrice, and she loves to turn the knobs.

Baby B, our new sound engineer
Author: Paper Dragon
Date: 2022-12-21
Tags: music