Paper Dragon𝄓

Demos Batch 1 released

Today Kate and i celebrate Paper Dragon's birthday number one. Hip hip hooray! Over the past year we have written thirty-nine songs, played two open mic sessions and two garden parties, grown from two members to three to four to three to two, and spent approximately one hundred fifty hours practicing in my basement, bumping our heads on its low beams.

In honor of this momentous occasion, we are dining on dumplings and, more relevant to you, dear reader, publishing our first batch of homemade demo recordings. You can find them on our Music page for your listening (with headphones) pleasure. Enjoy and share!


Q: You describe your music as Mt Eden unpop.

A: Unpop™

Q: Yes, what do you mean by that?

A: I don't know exactly, especially since we have eleven fans now. Eclectic? Our songs mix bits of pop, rock, folk, Afrobeat, and Latin in characteristic Mt Eden style.

Q: You set a lot of poems to music. Why is that?

K: Alex's lyrical genius is dumb, so he steals words from dead poets.

A: True, and Kate writes all her own lyrics. That's why she's so slow making songs :-)

Q: What have you learned from this band?

K: That putting yourself out there is scary, but also, people will still like you if you play a wrong note, or forget the words, or even train wreck to the point where you have to stop playing entirely.

A: To sing better and in public. It's not terrible. In fact, i like it. But whenever i start to feel like i'm putting on a show, i try to return to stillness, the source of authentic performance. It feels better that way, and i think people respond best to that mode of play.

Q: What does the future hold for Paper Dragon?

A: Our crystal ball is cloudy, but we are preparing another show, this time with Kate on drums. After that, tour the entirety of Mt Eden? Then onto Kingsland? I have a connection in Kingsland.

K: I don't count as a connection.

A: Hmm, maybe Mt Albert then.

Author: Paper Dragon
Date: 2019-05-02
Tags: birthday, music